Story of God and Humankind | The 167 LIT Bookstore Story
Team 167 LIT

The 167 LIT Team, one of the 2021 KF Public Diplomacy Project supported by the Korea Foundation (KF), has prepared the last story to guide you towards some new literature.

The world is changing rapidly. People’s lifestyles have changed, and cultural life has also diversified, with literature being no exception. Short form content that can be enjoyed in your spare time has become very popular as many feel they do not have enough time to read an entire book. Smartphones made it easier to use the Internet and thus greatly influenced the popularity of web literature. The emergence of this new platform and genre resulted in high numbers of readers both of comics and novels. Many works such as the web novel Omniscient Reader by Sing Shong and the webtoon Cheese in the Trap by Soonkki also published overseas and movie adaptations are in the planning stage. The last Bookstore Story is a work which is so much loved by the public, Along with the Gods by Joo Ho-min.

Along with the Gods has received a lot of love and attention because of its theme, poetic justice, which has appeared in many stories for a long time. Writer Joo Ho-min describes a hell where good and evil are judged and shows the values we should protect. Blessed are the good. This simple sentence, described as a strong Korean element in his fictional world, is the point of appreciation.

Story of God and Humankind | The 167 LIT Bookstore Story

(L) Movie / (R) Book

The last Bookstore Story, uploaded on September 23, focuses on Korean ancestral rites, the afterlife, and the gods appearing in Along with the Gods. The video was shot in Bukchon, which preserves the tranquility of hanok, traditional Korean houses. Bukchon is not the only place where modern and traditional living spaces coexist. This video shows that the coexistence of past and modern culture appears in multiple aspects of our lives. We hope that viewer will appreciate the beautiful traditional heritage in this video.

The video introduces Korean funeral rites and the afterlife. Along with the Gods portrays Buddhist funeral rites, the afterlife, the gods protecting people and how the gods affect people. The story of the traditional Korean beliefs, which is not included in the video, will be revealed through card news over the following three weeks.

This last Bookstore Story conveys the purpose of the project by showing the most familiar rules of life appearing in a Korean space. The stories of good and evil, as well as life and death are common story elements in any culture. Through these stories, we hope that our lives will be filled with goodwill and warmth. Your own kindness will determine the course of your life.


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