Balwoo Gongyang (사찰음식 전문점 발우공양)


Originating from the law of eating food at Buddhist temples, Balwoo Gongyang refers to the act of eating as part of practicing discipline and self-control. Balwoo Gongyang in Jong-no is a Buddhist cuisine experience center established by the Cultural Corps of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism with the aim of promoting Buddhist culture as well as the very practice of Balwoo Gongyang.

The center serves healthy vegetarian traditional dishes, and offers lessons of Balwoo Gongyang to take time while eating, to appreciate food using the five senses, and not to waste any food.



56, Ujeongguk-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul[Google Map]



Homepage: (Korean, English)





Anguk Station (Seoul Subway Line 3), Exit 6. Go straight for 150m, then turn left at Angukdong 4-way intersection and continue going straight for 250m. Temple Stay Information Center is located at the first crosswalk.



Additional Info



Located inside / separated by gender


addr2: Temple Stay Information Center Level 5

tel: +82-2-733-2081

telname: Barugongyang

zipcode: 03145

firstmenu: Temple food

infocenterfood: • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)

• For more info: +82-2-733-2081

opentimefood: Lunch 11:30-15:00 / Dinner 18:00-21:30
* Break Time 15:00-18:00

parkingfood: Available (16 parking slots)

reservationfood: +82-2-733-2081 or through the official website

restdatefood: Sundays, Seollal (Lunar New Year) and Chuseok (Korean Thanksgiving Day) holidays, New Year’s Day

smoking: Non-Smoking

treatmenu: Seon-sik (禪食) / Won-sik (願食) / Maeum-sik (念食) / Hui-sik (喜食)
Naengmyeon (cold buckwheat noodles) with shiitake mushrooms, Gondeure bap (rice with cirsium), etc.