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        VICTON Members’ MBTI Personality Types

        Curious about which MBTI personality type VICTON members have?

        Lin, Staff Writer
        4 min to read  ·  Published : Aug 11, 2020
        VICTON Members’ MBTI Personality Types

        Play M Entertainment

        Curious about which MBTI personality type VICTON members have?

        All seven of the group members certainly display a wide spectrum of character and attractive qualities about themselves, but they are also unique in their own individual ways.

        MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) according to Wikipedia is is a pseudoscientific introspective self-report questionnaire indicating differing psychologicalpreferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions.

        You can check out the MBTI results for VICTON members below.

        SeungWoo - ISFJ

        VICTON Members’ MBTI Personality Types

        Play M Entertainment

        According to 16personalities.com, ISFJ's are:

        "The Defender personality type is quite unique, as many of their qualities defy the definition of their individual traits. Though sensitive, Defenders have excellent analytical abilities; though reserved, they have well-developed people skills and robust social relationships; and though they are generally a conservative type, Defenders are often receptive to change and new ideas. As with so many things, people with the Defender personality type are more than the sum of their parts, and it is the way they use these strengths that defines who they are."

        SeungSik - ISFJ

        VICTON Members’ MBTI Personality Types

        Play M Entertainment

        According to 16personalities.com, ISFJ's are:

        "The Defender personality type is quite unique, as many of their qualities defy the definition of their individual traits. Though sensitive, Defenders have excellent analytical abilities; though reserved, they have well-developed people skills and robust social relationships; and though they are generally a conservative type, Defenders are often receptive to change and new ideas. As with so many things, people with the Defender personality type are more than the sum of their parts, and it is the way they use these strengths that defines who they are."

        HeoChan - ESFJ

        VICTON Members’ MBTI Personality Types

        Luminous C

        According to 16personalities.com, ESFJ's are:

        "People who share the Consul personality type are, for lack of a better word, popular – which makes sense, given that it is also a very common personality type, making up twelve percent of the population. In high school, Consuls are the cheerleaders and the quarterbacks, setting the tone, taking the spotlight and leading their teams forward to victory and fame. Later in life, Consuls continue to enjoy supporting their friends and loved ones, organizing social gatherings and doing their best to make sure everyone is happy."

        SeJun - ISFJ

        VICTON Members’ MBTI Personality Types

        Play M Entertainment

        According to 16personalities.com, ISFJ's are:

        "The Defender personality type is quite unique, as many of their qualities defy the definition of their individual traits. Though sensitive, Defenders have excellent analytical abilities; though reserved, they have well-developed people skills and robust social relationships; and though they are generally a conservative type, Defenders are often receptive to change and new ideas. As with so many things, people with the Defender personality type are more than the sum of their parts, and it is the way they use these strengths that defines who they are."

        HanSe - ENFP

        VICTON Members’ MBTI Personality Types


        According to 16personalities.com, ENFP's are:

        "The Campaigner personality is a true free spirit. They are often the life of the party, but unlike types in the Explorer Role group, Campaigners are less interested in the sheer excitement and pleasure of the moment than they are in enjoying the social and emotional connections they make with others. Charming, independent, energetic and compassionate, the 7% of the population that they comprise can certainly be felt in any crowd."

        ByungChan - ISFJ

        VICTON Members’ MBTI Personality Types


        According to 16personalities.com, ISFJ's are:

        "The Defender personality type is quite unique, as many of their qualities defy the definition of their individual traits. Though sensitive, Defenders have excellent analytical abilities; though reserved, they have well-developed people skills and robust social relationships; and though they are generally a conservative type, Defenders are often receptive to change and new ideas. As with so many things, people with the Defender personality type are more than the sum of their parts, and it is the way they use these strengths that defines who they are."

        SuBin - INFJ

        VICTON Members’ MBTI Personality Types


        According to 16personalities.com, INFJ's are:

        "The Advocate personality type is very rare, making up less than one percent of the population, but they nonetheless leave their mark on the world. Advocates have an inborn sense of idealism and morality, but what sets them apart is that they are not idle dreamers. These individuals are capable of taking concrete steps to realize their goals and make a lasting positive impact.

        People with this personality type tend to see helping others as their purpose in life. Advocates can often be found engaging in rescue efforts and doing charity work. However, their real passion is to get to the heart of the issue so that people need not be rescued at all."


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