Netizens Are Surprised That TS Entertainment Is Still Holding Auditions To Look For Trainees

TRCNG Official Facebook

TS Entertainment might be a familiar name for some K-Pop fans and it is the house of K-Pop groups such as TRCNG and SONAMOO.

Recently, there has been several ongoing controversies among their artists as it was said that SONAMOO's NaHyun and SuMin had filed for the termination of their contracts according to the agency.

Netizens Are Surprised That TS Entertainment Is Still Holding Auditions To Look For Trainees

SONAMOO Official

If you recall some time ago, Secret and B.A.P also had recurring contract issues with the agency. The reasons behind were mainly due to earnings not paid properly to the artists and so on.

With that being said, there has been many criticism towards the company from netizens.

Just some time ago, netizens had also discovered that TS Entertainment held audition to look for trainees in August.

Netizens Are Surprised That TS Entertainment Is Still Holding Auditions To Look For Trainees

Vivid Academia

The audition took place through a vocal and dance academy and was not opened to those who are not students of the academy.

Netizens Are Surprised That TS Entertainment Is Still Holding Auditions To Look For Trainees

Dance Roots Academy

Another similar audition was also held early this year in May in another dance academy.

Seeing the notices, netizens shared the comments on an online community.

Netizens Are Surprised That TS Entertainment Is Still Holding Auditions To Look For Trainees

Nate Pann

One commented that they (agency) should be treating the groups that they already have better.

Another netizens also shared that he or she had heard rumors that there are only 4 trainees in the agency.

Netizens Are Surprised That TS Entertainment Is Still Holding Auditions To Look For Trainees

Nate Pann

What do you think of the situation?



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