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        Find Out The MBTI Personality Types Of The POW Members

        Find out about the MBTI personality types of the POW members.

        Dyllan Mykel, Kpopmap Editor
        3 min to read  ·  Published : Feb 17, 2024
        Find Out The MBTI Personality Types Of The POW Members

        POW's Official Instagram

        First coming out with a pre-debut single, POW officially stepped foot into the K-Pop scene on October 11, 2023. Ever since, they've mesmerized millions with their boyish charms and trendy performances. With every stage they show that the sky is certainly not the limit as their eyes are set on the stars and beyond.

        With their successful debut and release of their most recent single, 'Valentine', netizens are understandably curious about the idol group. They've taken to the internet to search everything and anything about the boy group. This list includes everything from the meaning of their group name, birthdays, and MBTI.

        Now, if this sounds like you, then search no further! Check out the POW members' personality types down below.

        Note: some members have stated that they go between F and T. The MBTI results below come from their Instagram AMA posts.


        Yorch - INTP (Logician)

        Find Out The MBTI Personality Types Of The POW Members

        POW's Official Instagram

        The INTP personality type is the Logician. They are described as flexible thinkers that "enjoy taking an unconventional approach to many aspects of life. They often seek out unlikely paths, mixing willingness to experiment with personal creativity."

        Logicians pride themselves on their unique perspectives and vigorous intellect. They can’t help but puzzle over the mysteries of the universe – which may explain why some of the most influential philosophers and scientists of all time have been Logicians. This personality type is fairly rare, but with their creativity and inventiveness, Logicians aren’t afraid to stand out from the crowd.


        JungBin - ENFJ (Protagonist)

        Find Out The MBTI Personality Types Of The POW Members

        POW's Official Instagram

        The ENFJ personality type is referred to as the Protagonist. These personality types are warm, forthright people who love helping others. They possess strong ideas and values, reinforcing their perspective with a creative energy to achieve their goals.

        Protagonists have this inner calling to a serve a greater purpose. They are often thoughtful and idealistic, striving to leave a positive impact on those around them. They are not afraid of doing the right thing, even when it is far from easy. Protagonists are born leaders with the passion and charisma to enable them to inspire others.


        DongYeon - ISTP (Virtuoso)

        Find Out The MBTI Personality Types Of The POW Members

        POW's Official Instagram

        The ISTP personality type is the Virtuoso. They are described to have "an individualistic mindset, pursuing goals without needing much external connection. They engage in life with inquisitiveness and personal skill, varying their approach as needed."

        Virtuosos love to work with their hands and eyes, examining the world around them with cool rationalism and spirited curiosity. People with this personality type are natural Makers, moving from project to project. They build the useful and the superfluous for the fun of it, and learn as they go. To them, there's no greater joy than getting their hands dirty pulling things apart and putting them back together, better than before.


        HyunBin & Hong - ENFP (Campaigner)

        Find Out The MBTI Personality Types Of The POW Members

        POW's Official Instagram

        HyunBin and Hong share the same MBTI personality type.

        The ENFP personality type is referred to as the Campaigner. These people tend to embrace big ideas and actions that reflect their sense of hope and goodwill toward others. Their vibrant energy can flow in many directions.

        ENFP has a vibrant energy that's able to spread out in many different directions. ENFP are carefree spirits, described as outgoing and open-minded. They like having a good time, as well as establishing deep, meaningful connections with other people.

        Do you have the same MBTI personality type as any of the POW members?


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