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        Find Out What Is The MBTI Personality Types Of Each xikers Member

        Find out about the MBTI personality types of all the xikers members!

        Dyllan Mykel, Kpopmap Editor
        6 min to read  ·  Published : Mar 29, 2023
        Find Out What Is The MBTI Personality Types Of Each xikers Member

        KQ Entertainment

        Personality types have become the norm within the K-Pop community. It's now common for idols to talk about their MBTI as an icebreaker or conversation starter wherever they go. Some people become so invested that they have it down to a science and are able to properly guess another person's MBTI upon first meeting.

        Now, you might have heard about the newest up-and-coming K-Pop group, xikers. The rookie group is popping up all over social media and taking the K-Pop world by storm, even prior to their debut on March 30, 2023. These KQ Entertainment boys are flying into everyone's radar, and if that sounds like you, you're probably searching for any information available, including the members' personality types. Well we're here with the details.

        Check out the xikers members' MBTI personality types down below!


        MinJae - INFP (Mediator)

        Find Out What Is The MBTI Personality Types Of Each xikers Member

        KQ Entertainment

        MinJae and HyunWoo share the same MBTI.

        The INFP personality type is referred to as the Mediator. They are a rare personality type and tend to be more on the quiet side. They are also open-minded and imaginative, "and they apply a caring and creative approach to everything they do."

        Despite seeming quiet and withdrawn, Mediators have vibrant, passionate inner lives. Creative and imaginative, they happily lose themselves in daydreams, inventing all sorts of stories and conversations in their minds. These personalities are known for their sensitivity – Mediators can have profound emotional responses to music, art, nature, and the people around them.


        JunMin - ISFJ (Defender)

        Find Out What Is The MBTI Personality Types Of Each xikers Member

        KQ Entertainment

        JunMin and JinSik share the same MBTI.

        The ISFJ personality type is referred to as the Defender. People with this personality type tend to be warm and unassuming in their own special way. "They’re efficient and responsible, giving careful attention to practical details in their daily lives."

        In their own way, Defenders help to make the world go around. Defenders can be counted on to meet deadlines, remember birthdays and special occasions, uphold traditions, and shower their loved ones with gestures of care and support. But they rarely demand recognition for all that they do, preferring instead to operate behind the scenes.


        SuMin - ENFJ (Protagonist)

        Find Out What Is The MBTI Personality Types Of Each xikers Member

        KQ Entertainment

        The ENFJ personality type is referred to as the Protagonist. These personality types are warm, forthright people who love helping others. They possess strong ideas and values, reinforcing their perspective with a creative energy to achieve their goals.

        Protagonists have this inner calling to a serve a greater purpose. They are often thoughtful and idealistic, striving to leave a positive impact on those around them. They are not afraid of doing the right thing, even when it is far from easy. Protagonists are born leaders with the passion and charisma to enable them to inspire others.


        JinSik - ISFJ (Defender)

        Find Out What Is The MBTI Personality Types Of Each xikers Member

        KQ Entertainment

        JinSik and JunMin share the same MBTI.

        The ISFJ personality type is referred to as the Defender. People with this personality type tend to be warm and unassuming in their own special way. "They’re efficient and responsible, giving careful attention to practical details in their daily lives."

        In their own way, Defenders help to make the world go around. Defenders can be counted on to meet deadlines, remember birthdays and special occasions, uphold traditions, and shower their loved ones with gestures of care and support. But they rarely demand recognition for all that they do, preferring instead to operate behind the scenes.


        HyunWoo - INFP (Mediator)

        Find Out What Is The MBTI Personality Types Of Each xikers Member

        KQ Entertainment

        HyunWoo and MinJae share the same MBTI.

        The INFP personality type is referred to as the Mediator. They are a rare personality type and tend to be more on the quiet side. They are also open-minded and imaginative, "and they apply a caring and creative approach to everything they do."

        Despite seeming quiet and withdrawn, Mediators have vibrant, passionate inner lives. Creative and imaginative, they happily lose themselves in daydreams, inventing all sorts of stories and conversations in their minds. These personalities are known for their sensitivity – Mediators can have profound emotional responses to music, art, nature, and the people around them.


        JungHoon - INTP (Logician)

        Find Out What Is The MBTI Personality Types Of Each xikers Member

        KQ Entertainment

        The INTP personality type is referred to as the Logician. They are described as flexible thinkers that "enjoy taking an unconventional approach to many aspects of life. They often seek out unlikely paths, mixing willingness to experiment with personal creativity."

        Logicians pride themselves on their unique perspectives and vigorous intellect. They can’t help but puzzle over the mysteries of the universe – which may explain why some of the most influential philosophers and scientists of all time have been Logicians. This personality type is fairly rare, but with their creativity and inventiveness, Logicians aren’t afraid to stand out from the crowd.


        SeEun - ESFJ (Consul)

        Find Out What Is The MBTI Personality Types Of Each xikers Member

        KQ Entertainment

        The ESFJ personality type is referred to as the Consul. They are described as "attentive and people-focused, and they enjoy taking part in their social community. Their achievements are guided by decisive values, and they willingly offer guidance to others."

        Consuls love to share life's joy with others. People with the ESFJ personality type are likely to "form the bedrock of many communities, opening their homes – and their hearts – to friends, loved ones, and neighbors." Although they're sociable and welcoming, that does not meet that they like everyone or should be considered saints. They believe in the power of hospitality and good manners, feeling a sense of duty to those around them.


        YuJun - ISFP (Adventurer)

        Find Out What Is The MBTI Personality Types Of Each xikers Member

        KQ Entertainment

        The ISFP personality type is referred to as an Adventurer. They are said to have "open minds, approaching life, new experiences, and people with grounded warmth. Their ability to stay in the moment helps them uncover exciting potentials."

        The Adventurer personality type is described as a true artist, as they see life itself as a canvas for self-expression. "Adventurers act in ways that vividly reflect who they are as unique individuals." They are "driven by curiosity and eager to try new things. People with this personality often have a fascinating array of passions and interests."


        Hunter - ISTP (Virtuoso)

        Find Out What Is The MBTI Personality Types Of Each xikers Member

        KQ Entertainment

        The ISTP personality type is referred to as the Virtuoso. They are described to have "an individualistic mindset, pursuing goals without needing much external connection. They engage in life with inquisitiveness and personal skill, varying their approach as needed."

        Virtuosos love to work with their hands and eyes, examining the world around them with cool rationalism and spirited curiosity. People with this personality type are natural Makers, moving from project to project, building the useful and the superfluous for the fun of it, and learning as they go. To them, there's no greater joy than getting their hands dirty pulling things apart and putting them back together, better than before.


        YeChan - ESFP (Entertainer)

        Find Out What Is The MBTI Personality Types Of Each xikers Member

        KQ Entertainment

        The ESFP personality type is referred to as an Entertainer. Those with this personality type "love vibrant experiences, engaging in life eagerly and taking pleasure in discovering the unknown. They can be very social, often encouraging others into shared activities."

        Entertainers can be found spontaneously breaking out into song and dance, becoming the life of any party. They become totally immersed in the excitement of life and wish for everyone else to feel the same. No other personality type is as generous with their time and energy as Entertainers when it comes to encouraging others, and no other personality type does it with such irresistible style.

        What do you think of xikers MBTI results? Let us know in the comments!



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