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        5 Reasons Why “Yumi’s Cells” Is Your Escape From Sugar-Coated K-Dramas

        Find out how "Yumi's Cells" breaks K-Drama stereotypes

        joannapytelx, Staff Writer
        4 min to read  ·  Published : Jun 23, 2022
        5 Reasons Why “Yumi’s Cells” Is Your Escape From Sugar-Coated K-Dramas


        One of the factors that makes us admire K-Dramas so much is their portrayal of romance. Often cliche, full of emotional coincidences, timid glances, and touching gestures. Yet, there must have been times when you felt frustrated by the unrealistic lifestyle that Korean TV presents. Obviously, we wish to fill our free time with stories that entertain us and make us drift away from the ordinary reality surrounding us, but we also long to find characters we can relate to. There is nothing more comforting than seeing others experience life as we do and share our struggles.

        If this is the storyline you’ve been longing to see, then luckily we’re coming up with a great recommendation. “Yumi’s Cells” gives a pathway for a more realistic approach brought by K-Dramas, taking its viewers on an emotional and romantic, yet close-to-heart journey. If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed by the concept of life and love served by Korean media, here are the reasons why “Yumi’s Cells” is your go-to series:

        P.S. If you haven’t seen the show yet, don’t worry - there are no major spoilers in the article!


        1. Relatable characters

        The main character of the drama - Kim Yumi (Kim GoEun) - is a charming, yet often clumsy and awkward young woman. Generally, she is a very organized person, but you can frequently see her on a roll when she throws herself into an emotional rollercoaster. Her medicine for a broken heart are mukbangs, excessive shopping sprees, and solo drunk concerts. Yumi is just like us - perfectly composed when life is on its track, but a hot mess when we bump into an obstacle. Except for the protagonist, “Yumi’s Cells” introduces an impressive range of diverse characters, who each have their own charms and flaws.

         5 Reasons Why “Yumi’s Cells” Is Your Escape From Sugar-Coated K-Dramas

        CJ ENM


        2. Ups and downs of relationships

        Have you noticed how K-Dramas can covert any couple's fight into a sweet interaction? Moreover, pairs make up and forget about their quarrels instantly. “Yumi’s Cells” shows that each argument in a relationship has a significant meaning and unless properly resolved, can make lovers fall out with each other and become distant. Of course, don't worry - the story is a mixture of authentic moments couples experience, also giving room for what K-Dramas are loved for - adorable gestures and memorable dates. Moreover, Yumi's narrative proves that finding true love takes time to find. The K-Drama approaches relationships in both an entertaining, light-hearted way but also provides a mature picture of adult relationships.

         5 Reasons Why “Yumi’s Cells” Is Your Escape From Sugar-Coated K-Dramas



        3. Accurate reflection of Korean work culture

        If you are interested in Korean culture, you’ve definitely noticed the unnaturally loose and regular work agenda in the K-Drama world. Despite the characters’ high positions and strict schedules, they always find time for unexpected adventures and leave their work just when the clock ticks 6 o’clock. “Yumi’s Cells” introduces its main character as a hard-working corporate employee. Yumi as well as her colleagues often stay overtime to finish their work or even attend it over the weekend. Moreover, her career transition does come with price and stress. The drama stays relatively authentic to the exhausting Korean work-life, shedding light on the difficulty Asian couples have to go through to make time for each other.

         5 Reasons Why “Yumi’s Cells” Is Your Escape From Sugar-Coated K-Dramas



        4. Success that doesn't happen overnight

        “Yumi’s Cells” isn’t a story dedicated only to Yumi’s love life - the series show different aspects of light. When in other dramas you will see characters rapidly climb the corporate ladder or become celebrities overnight, “Yumi’s Cells” show that achieving success comes with sacrifice and many dead-ends. Yumi herself is an office worker of a gastronomy company who has been dreaming about becoming a writer. Unfortunately, as it often happens, her motivation drastically fell down when she realized how tight and expensive being an adult is. We also meet Goo Woong (Ahn BoHyun) who works very hard to make his own business succeed, which turns out to be a very challenging and stressful task, affecting his personal life as well. Both of the characters, go against the odds to fulfill their ambitions and encounter many barriers. To see whether their efforts pay off, we have to follow the further development of the story.

         5 Reasons Why “Yumi’s Cells” Is Your Escape From Sugar-Coated K-Dramas



        5. Satiric but authentic visualization of the human mind

        The cells that play a huge part in the drama might appear rather bizarre and laughable at first, but the more we get to know them, the more we agree with this untypical concept of the human brain. By entering Yumi’s thoughts, we began to notice how complex human feelings are. Besides that, the K-Drama breaks out of the elegant, impeccable concept of a TV protagonist, making viewers identify with Yumi’s and others’ stories. The cells are furious, embarrassing, fussy, clumsy, or naughty - they reflect what people are really like and also give us a good laugh.

         5 Reasons Why “Yumi’s Cells” Is Your Escape From Sugar-Coated K-Dramas



        Yumi’s Cells 2” is currently airing, so unless you already are an active binger of the series you should definitely check it out. There is much more (such as the cast - Kim GoEun, Ahn BoHyun, GOT7's JinYoung, and many more incredibly talented actors) to the series than you're expecting and we are convinced it will end up on the top of your personal K-Drama chart.



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